
Few reasons I love February

There are few reasons I love February about and they make it my favorite month.
Firstly because January is the most boring month in the year – cold, dull, short days with no sunshine to make you smile. Most people still recover from the holidays and all expenses related to these holidays, many feel guilty they have spent more they can afford, other feel heavier with few more pounds and cannot get in most of the pieces from they wardrobe after the lavish holiday tables. So there is February coming and I like it at least 10 times more than January. Why? Maybe because I hate January, but also for these personal reasons of mine:

February is the shortest month not more than 29 days, so that makes at least two days less working but you get the same salary. It is also the last cold month of the winter, well not in all parts of the northern hemisphere and not always March weather is great, but at least we know spring is close so we feel warmer.

February is also the month of the most Romantic day – Valentine’s day so at least on this day people refrain from being rude and give their beloved ones roses, sweets and presents, what nicer than this! BTW Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Enjoy the holiday today and don’t forget that Love makes the world a better place.

And one more important reason – my Birthday is in February! After certain age birthdays don’t matter so much but it is some way to count the years you have been on the planet Earth and to check if your presence here matters to someone. If you tend to count the birthday wishes you get, sometimes you may get surprised that you get more Happy Birthdays in the Net than in the “environment” you live in, but I guess you get what you deserve.
So even it is in the winter and even if my Birthday is on 13th and some people consider number 13 as a fatal one I take it as the lucky fatality and keep liking February.