Goodbye 2012 Hello 2013!
Today is the last day of 2012 and people are looking forward to meet the New Year hoping it will be a better one. In Australia people have already said “Hi” to the new 2013, we in Europe will do it after few hours. 🙂
I personally will happily say Goodbye to 2012 and even more happily say Hello to the new 2013 trying to be optimistic for what future will bring and anticipating that 13 which I consider a lucky number (being my Birthday date too 🙂 ) will prove itself a lucky number for the coming year. 🙂
2012 was full of devastating natural disasters in many parts of the world – hurricanes, earthquakes, floods … which put so many people in terrible conditions, so I really hope next year the occurrence of such natural disasters will be more rare and Mother Nature will be more kind to all of us. I hope what happened in 2012 will make us all thoughtful that we should be wiser and careful about the environment and to try even with small acts every day to keep our Planet a safe and cleaner place as it is the only Home we all have got.
I would like to thank you to all visitors of my humble website for stopping by and looking at my art works, hope you enjoyed. 🙂 Those who already possess a piece of my art, thank you too for your support! 🙂
I would also like to take the opportunity in this last post for 2012 to wish everybody a very Happy and prosperous 2013 and may the New Year be Healthier, Happier and Safer for all!
Happy New 2013!